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The future is up to us and they know it. We can Make things happen we just have to work together. If we don’t change Now then when, because the world is changing with or with out us. and the youth they dont stand a chance. when they come out of the system. they dont have anything to come home too that’s it they turn 18 and nothing alone and angry and for good reason. Some go to group homes some have familys but it doesn’t matter thats just all bad. the rest that they end up homeless whats next drugs sickness death. what are we doing? let me ask did you ever give your change to a homeless person… really why? what did you do for them nothing at all. We teach them that world owes them something don’t think they think that way believe me they do. that’s all they learn they don’t have to work. because someone is going to give them something. My plan gives them a life A world they don’t see, an opportunity at life real pride. I’m not going to save the world but its a start in the right direction. the government is not ever going to do anything. It’s just not going to happen. we are to busy cleaning up the rest of the world. to have time for Us really it’s a joke. I did everything right from the develope a plan for years. exactly how I was going to make this work.